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Grupo de Sarcoma de Partes Moles

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Faded Green

If you just scale the green component from 0.0 (on one end) to 1.0 (on the other end) and do the same thing with the red component (but going backwards), you'll get ugly and non-uniform color distribution.

Faded Green

If you look carefully at the single components, you can see that we can split the range in two equal parts: in the first one we increase the red component from 0.0 to 1.0, leaving the green at 1.0 and the blue at 0.0; in the second we decrease the green component, leaving the other 2 as they are. We can take advantage of the fact that any value above 1.0 will be read as 1.0, by maxing out our values to simplify the code. Assuming your x value goes from 0.00 (0%) to 1.00 (100%), you can multiply it by 2 to let it go over the 1.0 limit for color components. Now you have your components going from 0.0 to 2.0 (the red one) and from 2.0 to 0.0 (the green one). Let them be clipped to [0.0-1.0] ranges and there you go.

NADPH:protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase (POR) catalyzes photoreduction of protochlorophyllide (Pchlide) to chlorophyllide in chlorophyll (Chl) synthesis, and is required for prolamellar body (PLB) formation in etioplasts. Rice faded green leaf (fgl) mutants develop yellow/white leaf variegation and necrotic lesions during leaf elongation in field-grown plants. Map-based cloning revealed that FGL encodes OsPORB, one of two rice POR isoforms. In fgl, etiolated seedlings contained smaller PLBs in etioplasts, and lower levels of total and photoactive Pchlide. Under constant or high light (HL) conditions, newly emerging green leaves rapidly turned yellow and formed lesions. Increased levels of non-photoactive Pchlide, which acts as a photosensitizer, may cause reactive oxygen accumulation and lesion formation. OsPORA expression is repressed by light and OsPORB expression is regulated in a circadian rhythm in short-day conditions. OsPORA was expressed at high levels in developing leaves and decreased dramatically in fully mature leaves, whereas OsPORB expression was relatively constant throughout leaf development, similar to expression patterns of AtPORA and AtPORB in Arabidopsis. However, OsPORB expression is rapidly upregulated by HL treatment, similar to the fluence rate-dependent regulation of AtPORC. This suggests that OsPORB function is equivalent to both AtPORB and AtPORC functions. Our results demonstrate that OsPORB is essential for maintaining light-dependent Chl synthesis throughout leaf development, especially under HL conditions, whereas OsPORA mainly functions in the early stages of leaf development. Developmentally and physiologically distinct roles of monocot OsPORs are discussed by comparing with those of dicot AtPORs.

A lot of blues fade green and stubbornly hold on to the hair cuticle, but there is an easy fix for this and her name is color correction! The easiest way to get green out is not to strip it, but to add Purple Rain over it! This method is easiest on your hair too! Purple will color correct the green so that it fades closer to a soft lilac or back to your original color. If you have the patience to try that, please do! If you are wanting to go back to blonde, we recommend using a color remover meant specifically for semi-permanent direct dyes (see more on that in #5.).

I dyed my hair blue and purple and now I want to dye it yellow, green. and aquamarine as a color melt, but I still have some blue and purple that doesnt want to leave my hair. How can I strip the color out without bleaching it or damaging my hair?

During the summer, many of us have unattractive yellow lawns. This is due to our conservation efforts with regard to water. Water rates go up in summer and much of the country is in drought conditions, so suspending water to the lawn makes sense. There are also other issues that can cause a lawn to discolor. Among these are dog urine, pests, disease, overuse, and fertilizer amounts. Do you know how to turn a yellow lawn green again though? Read on for some fixes for yellow lawns.

Similarly, dog urine has high nitrogen content and burns spots in the lawns. These are easily recognized as yellow spots bordered by greener grass. This is because the diluted edges of the urine area are actually feeding the grass, but the concentrated center is burning the roots. Train Fido to go in another area of the garden.

Faded, yellow turf grass can also stem from disease or deficiency. Lack of nitrogen or iron will cause the green to fade. A soil test can indicate if there are any deficiency areas and then you can correct them with a plant food.

After you have figured out why your lawn is faded, it is time to figure out how to turn a yellow lawn green again. The easiest way is to give the lawn good care and enhance the vigor and health of the turf grass so it has the strength to combat any pest or disease problems.

Researchers have long known that color vision can deteriorate as people get older, Schneck said. The lenses of their eyes can become yellowish, causing them to see as if they were looking through a yellow filter, she said. This can disrupt their so-called "blue-yellow" vision, preventing them in certain situations from distinguishing blue from purple and yellow from green and yellow-green. Problems are especially apparent when colors are washed out, Schneck said.

Color-vision problems in the blue-yellow spectrum affected 45 percent of people in their mid-70s, and that proportion rose to two-thirds by the time people reached their mid-90s. Few people had problems with the red-green spectrum.

Since silver is a delicate balance of colors, if the balance is thrown off at all it will give you unexpected results. These could include hair turning blue, green, or a grey-ish brown. The best way to see if your hair is the proper starting shade is to strand test.

What you can do is use a little Pastel Orange Daily to help cancel out the blue tones, or a little Pastel Red to cancel out green tones. Since your hair has both cool and warm tones happening, I definitely recommend reaching out to our Color Consultants at for personalized help!

I had platinum hair then dyed it with 3 different pravana colors. Smokey silver at the root, silver in the middle and rose gold at the ends. The bottom of my hair is all silver now but the top and especially roots are very blue/green how can I make it all silver? Or better yet back to blonde?

In general, since Silver is a mix of primary colors, your results depend a lot on your starting shade. If your hair tends to have warm or yellow tones, you might see some green strands as your roots grow in while cool toned hair can lead to blue strands. What you can do to correct this is use a little bit of our Pastel Orange Daily Conditioner to tone out blue and our Pastel Red Daily Conditioner to tone out any green. We sell sample sizes of both!

Hello!! I recently went through a color changed, had my hair bleached, then did the roots black and my hair stylist then dyed my hair grey (black/grey ombre). However the grey is a little bit darker then what I wanted. I wanted it more towards a silver/grey/white color if you know what I mean. Now I have tones of green/blueish/and brown in my hair along with the grey, how can I cancel that out and make it a light grey with silver in it?

Hi! Lots of clients use diluted Pastel oVertone Daily Conditioners to help correct brass or unwanted tones from their hair. What you can do is add a little bit of Pastel Red Daily Conditioner to tone out green hues or a little Pastel to tone out brassy yellow shades. Purple is opposite of yellow on the color wheel, and red is opposite of green. You always want to go with direct opposites for cancellation toning. Check out this video for a guide to toning hair with oVertone conditioners: =oiaw97B4Qug and definitely write to our Color Consultants at for the best advice on toning with oVertone x

Hi, my hair is naturally dark brown and I wanted to do a blue/grey fall look and my hairdresser and I after several hours ended up with a greenish blue, brown, blonde concoction, how do I get to blue, grey? We used 40 vol bleach so the ground work was set, but the I think she messed with mixing the wrong colors. How do I get you a picture?

Hi, my hair was highlighted like a mixture of blonde and brown.I went to the salon.. they bleached it all which then had like ginger bits through and they put 2 boxes of silver dye on.My roots are now blue, and my hair is a mixture of white blonde, yellow blonde and greenish patches.What can I do to fix this!!! ?

Plant diseases are one of the leading causes of green bean leaves turning yellow. There are many disease organisms including bacterial, fungal, and viral that may affect bean plants. The best way to prevent plant disease is to practice crop rotation, good garden sanitation, and space plants properly to allow for good air circulation. Here are 4 common diseases of beans:

Nitrogen is an essential nutrient for all vegetative plant growth. It is what helps grow big, strong plants with lots of healthy green leaves. Without enough nitrogen, your pepper plants will suffer in a number of ways. One of the first symptoms of this deficiency is yellowing leaves.

Starting a fertilizing regimen will undoubtedly help your plants grow stronger. However, leaves that have already turned yellow will not turn back to green. This is nothing to worry about.

Magnesium is another nutrient that is required for healthy pepper plants. While it is less common in soil-based gardening, it can still occur. Leaves will turn yellow, starting at the bottom of the plant (just like nitrogen). However, if you look closely, you will notice that the veins of your leaves will remain green, while the flesh will be pale yellow. This is known as Chlorosis, and is the main way to distinguish a magnesium deficiency from nitrogen.

One potential cause is that once leaves have turned yellow, fertilizer will not change them back to green. Fertilizing will help new growth remain healthy, but yellowed leaves will remain yellow. Another possible cause is water stress. 041b061a72


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